Monday, October 28, 2019

Audience Theories - Two-Step Flow Theory

Unlike the Hypodermic Needle Theory, the Two-Step Flow Theory understands that communication is more complex than what the other theory.
The Two-Step Theory basically involves leaders who pay attention to media, which they later form opinions or their interpretations of the message and share to others. This interpretation then begins to spread. Of course, since no one thinks the same, opinion leaders will have their own individual interpretations and these different opinions will clash and cause small controversies. 
The theory also bodes well for advertising. Industries that heavily depend on advertising mostly target opinion leaders. They try to use advertisements that would relate to them. Once these leader try the product they begin to by spread by communications. 
This goes well for media products as well. Media is an industry that relies on an audience. Usually, people would  go watch a film or read a magazine because of a recommendation that was made by someone who has already experienced it. Media companies also need to consider that the products they release are relate-able in their target groups, that way the can get the word of mouth.

Since I already know who my target audience is, I need to make sure my content is relate-able to these teens. I also need to ensure that the content is worth reading as well as worth spreading between teen groups because teens usually follow trends that are the most popular. In that case, there would need to be teens who deeply care about self-love and body imaging, most of all, they want to spread a positive message, especially to those who need it.

Lamb, Brett. “Brett Lamb.” Lessonbucket,

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