Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Magazine Research: Gender Representation

Men in Beauty:
Men is barely involved with the world of beauty because it has been stereotyped as feminine. Men are suppose to be viewed as masculine and overall just not care about their appearance to a certain extent. In fashion, the typical male models are seen as toned and muscular, and like women, have lighter skin tones. In magazines, they are also supposed to come out as masculine. The standard representation in the media for men are not inclusive with all types of male. In today's present, men have been in touch, with which is considered feminine, with self-care by using facial products to keep skin clean or even using make-up like women do. Of course, make-up is not just for women.
When it comes to research, it is actually quite difficult to find magazine covers with a man who isn't fit. This just goes to show that in a men's standard of beauty, you must be built and muscular.
However, it should be more accepting to the body types of men. It should be more inclusive just like women magazines are starting to become. Men magazines are all about fitness and fast cars, but men should have a magazine that shows them self-love and whatever other aspects they show to women to men.

All Genders in Beauty:
In the 21st century, society has broaden in their gender representation. There is no longer just two genders. There is non-binary and gender fluid people in the world that are outcasted for being different. Magazines as well as other beauty companies have yet to fully involve these people into their products and make things more unisex. Social media has taken a major role in this as well. They are created a body positivity platform that has members of the LGTBQ+ community speak out on being yourself.

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